Industry News

CEN publishes EN 14350:2020 for ‘Children’s Drinking Equipment’

In 3 June 2020, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) published EN 14350:2020 ‘Childcare articles - Drinking Equipment - Safety requirements and test methods’. This standard specifies safety requirements relating to the materials, construction, performance, packaging and product information for drinking equipment intended for children 0 to 48 months of age.

Conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 2021.

EN 14350:2020 supersedes the following two standards on drinking equipment for young children:

  • EN 14350-1:2004 ‘Child use and care articles – Drinking equipment – Part 1: General and mechanical requirements and tests’
  • EN 14350-2:2004 ‘Child use and care articles – Drinking equipment – Part 2: Chemical requirements and tests’

Here are several important major changes:

  1. Clause 3 ‘Terms and Definitions’ – restructured with revision of existing terminologies and addition of new entries
  2. Clause 4 ‘Description’ – expands pictorial representations of different pieces of drinking equipment and their design features by including a push-pull valve, protective covers, handles, a clip and loops
  3. Clause 5 ‘Test equipment and tolerances’ – completely new section describing the test equipment to be used
  4. Clause 6 ‘Construction and mechanical properties – General and sample preparation’ – sample preparation and conditioning have been revised
  5. Clause 7 ‘Construction and mechanical requirements and tests’ – expanded and restructured to improve the order of testing. New requirements for decoration, inscription and decals have been introduced, and the test method has been modified
  6. Clause 8 ‘Chemical requirements and test methods’ – expanded and restructured but substances covered by other pieces of harmonized legislation are excluded, including:
    1. Phthalates falling under entries 51 and 52 to Annex XVII of Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 ‘Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
    2. Food contact substances (e.g. bisphenol A (BPA)) in Regulation (EU) 10/2011 ‘Food Contact Plastics’
  7. Annex A ‘Warnings’ – completely new normative annex with translation of warnings in 24 languages
  8. Annex B ‘Rationales’ – completely new informative annex providing explanations for the inclusion of some of the requirements in the standard
  9. Annex C ‘Method for the determination of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) and antioxidants specified in Table 7’ – informative annex has been revised and in more detail
  10. Annex E ‘Good practice for visibility and legibility’ – completely new informative annex for warnings, product and purchase information as well as instructions for use

This standard is expected to be harmonized under Directive 2001/95/EC, upon official acceptance by the European Commission (EC) and by publication in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

Highlights of migration limits for elements in drinking equipment between EN 14350:2020 and EN 14350-2:2004 are summarized in Table 1.

Migration Limit (mg/kg)
Soluble Element EN 14350:2020 EN 14350-2:2004
Antimony (Sb) 120 15
Arsenic (As) 10 10
Barium (Ba) 4,000 100
Cadmium (Cd) 3.6 20
Chromium (Cr) -- 10
Lead (Pb) 5.0 25
Mercury (Hg) 20 10
Selenium (Se) 100 100
Aluminum (Al) 6,000 --
Boron (B) 3,200 --
Chromium (III) 100 --
Chromium (VI) 0.002* --
Cobalt (Co) 28 --
Copper (Cu) 1,660 --
Manganese (Mn) 600 --
Nickel (Ni) 56 --
Strontium (Sr) 12,000 --
Tin (Sn) 40,000 --
Organic tin 2.5 --
Zinc (Zn) 10,000 --
Effective date By June 2021 In force

*Sample considered a ‘Pass’ if result is below the Limit of Quantification (LOQ) of EN 71-3

Table 1

Child care articles - Drinking equipment - Safety requirements and test methods

EN 14350:2020